Bulletin 2079 Magh 1 was released by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology

Bulletin 2079 Magh 1 was released by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. All local levels, the Education Development and Coordination Unit, Pre-primary class operations, and student enrolment in Class 1.

Early childhood development occurs between the months of pregnancy and the age of eight, and kids in this age range should participate in more activities that foster all-around growth. National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2076, Compulsory and Free Education Act, 2075 and its Regulations, 2077, Education Act, 2028, and Regulations, 2059.

Child development centers are clearly outline in the Early Childhood Development and Education Curriculum 2077 and the Basic Level (Grades 1-3) Curriculum 2076. Pre-primary education and basic level (grades 1-3) enrolment, development and learning activities, and assessment and grading of growth and learning are all aspects of early child development.

According to this, there is an infant development center for infants under the age of four and a year of early childhood development and education for children who are four years old but have not yet turned five.

However, teaching, teasing, memorization, and the assignment of homework of a similar nature are absent from the pre-primary classes at Monteshwari and institutional schools founded in accordance with the concept of infant development centers. Some schools also hold entrance exams for admission to class 1, and students must prepare for the entrance exams in various locations.

Stakeholders and professionals in the industry have expressed concern that some behaviors, such as teasing and forcing kids remember for months in the name of the class, hurt the kids’ natural creativity and skill.

Download/View the Official Notice: – Bulletin 2079 Magh 1

Organize activities such as administering entrance tests for admission to class 1 and conducting preparatory courses linked to it, if any, in the Monteshwari and pre-primary classes of institutional schools, and monitor within their respective regions to avoid such actions and admissions.

The resolution directs all relevant local levels (village/municipality and district coordination committee) as well as all education development and coordination entities to use alternative suitable approaches for the required coordination and facilitation.

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