Why Ukraine war is causing a global food crisis?

Although Ukraine is one of the major exporters of green products like wheat and corn, almost 20 million tons of grain are currently stockpiled because of the Russia-Ukraine war.

ukraine war

That’s causing serious problems in places of the world that depend on that supply like the middle east and Africa. Not only Ukraine war is causing a global food crisis, but it is putting people in danger of starving. Multiple famines are a real possibility in 2022, and things could become worse in 2023.

There is a lot of really fertile farmland in the big country of Ukraine. In normal times, Ukraine is a major player in the world food markets since it grows enough food to feed 400 million people annually.
It is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of wheat. More than 60% of the wheat imported into Lebanon, almost 50% of the wheat imported into Somalia, and more than 36% of the wheat imported into Tunisia comes from Ukraine which is stopped due to the Ukraine war.

Ukraine war is the Main Cause of the global food crisis

The majority of the 6 million tons of grain that Ukraine used to export each month went through its large seaports, which offered a direct path to the Middle East and Africa.

however, the Ukraine war has changed everything. Russia has surrounded Ukraine’s coastline. While the Ukrainians have mined the sea as a defense, it has seized control of some ports and bombed others. Therefore, nothing can be shipped into or out of those large ports in places like Odessa and Goliath. Due to the Ukraine war, nothing is moving, there is a large pileup of grain that is making the situation even more dangerous. The storage silos are filled, there is no room for the current harvest this year, and farmers are not receiving proper payments due to the Ukraine war.

What steps are being taken to open those ports?

The main solution being considered, short of ending the Ukraine war itself, is opening a secure sea route for food exports that could be regulated by the U.N. or another country. Turkey has been trying to start talks, but Russia and the Ukrainian government would need to agree on the terms. Since we’re talking about two at-war nations, it makes sense that no side trusts the other.

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