Final Result of Lower Secondary Teacher | Shikshak Sewa Aayog | Pradesh No. 1 & 3

Final Result of Lower Secondary Teacher | Shikshak Sewa Aayog | Pradesh No. 1 & 3

According to Rule 24 of the Teacher Service Commission Regulations, 2057, a teacher took the written test that was administered on several days. based on the province of Gandaki’s scores in the subsequent topics and the subsequent candidates’ rankings in order of merit.

Teacher Promotion Revisions by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) (Primary and Secondary Level)

Teacher Promotion Revisions by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) (Primary and Secondary Level)

Notification regarding teacher promotion evaluation from the Government of Nepal, Teachers Service Commission, Sanothimi, and Bhaktapur. Promotions Recommendation Committee Dhankuta, TSC Teachers Service Commission. expressed dissatisfaction with the Teachers Service Commission’s proposed written advertisement promotion list for teachers.