Lok Sewa Aayog Baglung | Revised Examination Center of Sakha Adhikrit

Lok Sewa Aayog Baglung | Revised Examination Center of Sakha Adhikrit

Advertising No. 16696-16702/078-79 (Open and Inclusive) for the hiring of a Gazetted Third (Non-Technical) Section Officer (Sakha Adhikrit). Or comparable position at Bagalung Center has been issued by the Public Service Commission (PSC), Central Office.

The commission has announced the test location for the first round of the competitive written examination and approved the online application form for this recruitment.

The examination hall has set up at the Bagalung Center for all applicants who have switched their test location from their first allocated centre. To the Bagalung Examination Center, according to the announcement. If you have made a modification like that, this information could apply to you.

Please be aware that this information might not apply to you if you haven’t applied for the test or if you haven’t heard from the commission about this change.

View the Notification: – Revised Examination Center of Sakha Adhikrit

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