IPO Shares of Shuvam Power listed in Nepse | What is the Opening Range?

IPO Shares of Shuvam Power listed in Nepse | What is the Opening Range?

Shuvam Power Limited (SHUVAM) shares with a 20,000,000 unit IPO have been launched on NEPSE.

This comprises the quantity issued to the general public and the project-affected locals, as well as the shares owned by the promoters.

The initial transaction’s opening price range is between Rs. 88.48 to Rs. 265.44. IPO Shares of Shuvam Power listed in Nepse

If the Company executes the agreement with NEPSE, the IPO shares will start trading on the secondary market the next day.

481,882 units of shares totaling Rs. 4.81 crores have been sold in the first public offering to the general public from a total of 20,00,000 units of shares worth Rs (Magh 18-22, 2079).

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