Covenant Academy

Covenant Academy is located in Kusunti, Lalitpur, Lalitpur, Nepal. The school has been providing quality education to students. It highly focuses on its academic excellence and holistic approach toward education. The school offers education from Playgroup to Grade 12 and is affiliated with the National Examination Board (NEB). The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in academics, as well as extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, dance, and art.

This school is committed to developing students who are not only academically strong but also have well-rounded personalities. The school has highly qualified and experienced faculty who are dedicated to providing quality education to students. The teachers at Covenant Academy use modern teaching methodologies and technology to make learning more interactive and engaging for students. The school also has a well-equipped library and computer lab, which helps students to gain knowledge beyond the classroom.

About Covenant Academy

Name: Covenant Academy
Address: Kusunti, Lalitpur, Lalitpur, Nepal
Email:  [email protected]
Contact: 01-5539694 /5522604
Type: Private Institution

Facilities Offered:

  • Good Learning Environment
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Library
  • Transport
  • Canteen
  • Computer Lab
  • Club System

Best School In Lalitpur

Covenant Academy is one of the best schools located in the Lalitpur area. It has a spacious and well-maintained classroom. It provides a safe and conducive learning environment for students. The school has a playground, basketball court, and other facilities for sports and physical activities. It also organizes various co-curricular and extracurricular activities throughout the year, which help students to develop their skills and talents. The teachers also emphasize character-building and moral values. They encourage students to be responsible, respectful, and compassionate towards others. The school also organizes various community service activities, which help students to develop a sense of social responsibility.

Location Map Of This School

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